The Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association (SNIA) opened the Shaw Dog Park in August of 2003. The concept: to provide a safe and secure place for pets, which owners can socialize and exercise, to enhance city living, and bring community members together.

Looking to join? Please review the Shaw Dog Park’s Rules and Regulations. Please note that dog park memberships renew only once every year in January no matter when you join. Membership fees are as follows:

Shaw residents: (boundaries are Magnolia on the South, Grand on the East, DeTonty on the North, Tower Grove on the West)

  • 1 dog $50/year
  • 2 dogs $55/year
  • 3 dogs $60/year

If you do not live in Shaw:

  • 1 dog $70/year
  • 2 dogs $75/year
  • 3 dogs $80/year

After your payment and all necessary paperwork is received, please allow up to a week to receive your dog tag and the code to the Shaw Dog Park.

Click HERE to join or renew online if you are a Shaw neighborhood resident. If you join online, you must also send in or scan and email a signed waiver as well as your dog’s up-to-date rabies vaccination to

Click HERE to join or renew online if you are not a Shaw neighborhood resident. If you join online, you must also send in or scan and email a signed waiver as well as your dog’s up-to-date rabies vaccination to

Or download the PDF form (waiver form on page 2) and mail it in or drop it off at the SNIA office at 2211 S. 39th Street, St. Louis, MO 63110 (please use the mail slot if the office is closed).


Shaw Dog Park is definitely about the dogs. It provides a place for urban pets to run free in a large space. They can play, run and socialize with other dogs as well as the dogs’ people. It provides an opportunity to raise a healthy, exercised, well-tempered dog in a city environment, where yards are often small and not as hospitable to a pet.

Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 12:00 and Fridays from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., the dog park will be reserved for Shaw Dog Park members who have small, shy, and Senior dogs who may not want to play as hard as some of their larger, younger, more outgoing friends. 

Shaw Dog Park is also about the people of the community. While their dogs play, pet owners socialize. Many new friendships have been formed. The common love for our pets has opened doors to conversation between people who may never cross paths otherwise. The dog park brings many types of people together and reflects the great diversity of Shaw neighborhood residents.

If you would like to get involved in the Shaw Dog Park organization, the Dog Park Committee is open to every dog park member who is interested. The committee is led by a Dog Park Chair, who is approved by the SNIA Board of Directors at the January Board Meeting each calendar year. Anyone who lives in Shaw and is a SNIA member is welcome to apply for this volunteer position. It mostly involves working with the SNIA Board on a Dog Park budget each year, updating SNIA about the Dog Park occasionally at Board Meetings (held every other month), coordinating maintenance and getting bids at the Dog Park, and responding to issues as they arise.

The Shaw Dog Park also brings people from surrounding neighborhoods into our area. It allows residents from different parts of St. Louis to meet each other as well. We welcome the opportunity to meet our city and county neighbors and invite all who are interested in joining the Shaw Dog Park.

Location: The corner of Cleveland and Thurman Avenues (4101 Cleveland).

The Shaw Dog Park is a 100′ x 100′ fence-enclosed area with water available on-site year round. Because of our unique crushed granite surface, our dog park never closes for extended maintenance so your dog can play all year long. There is a lock system, rules and regulations, as well as a low yearly membership fee for all members.

For questions or concerns about the Shaw Dog Park, please contact the Shaw Dog Park Chair at, or the SNIA office at or 314-771-3101.